Dog Personal Training & Dog Sitting
Walkies with Louise started when I was backpacking in Mexico, whilst volunteering with rescue dogs. On my return to Windsor, England, working and helping dogs soon turned into a passion. I set up my dog business Walkies With Louise in 2022 and after 2 successful yrs dog training, walking and dog sitting, I’ve established myself. Getting dogs fit and healthy is a passion of mine coming from 10 years working in fitness personal training with people, it’s a natural progression with fitness and helping others.
Dog Power Walking
60min Dog power walking to get your dog moving and fit via cardio training. This is More than a walk in the park. a great start in getting your dog fit and healthy and ready for the next level of dog personal training with me. 2-3 pw/ discounts available
min 350AED /60 min walk/per dog
Dog Park Personal Training
min 2 hours I will take your dog running, walking and train in aquilty over the park. We will also discuss dog diet plan and healthy nutrition. 4x pt min sign up. recommeded 2-3 sessions pw.
min 500AED /2 hour personal training/dog
Dog Sitting
A bespoke service tailored to your House and dog sitting needs. To take care of your dog from the comfort of their own home and this helps keep your dog in familiar environment and stress-free whilst your away, maintaining good mental health and a happier dog. Ref on request. prices vary – please contact me for more info
min 450AED /Day/dog

Dog Requirements
Must have dog health insurance and ID tags
Important your dog has ID tags, address and tel contact is a must being attached to the dog as they leave the home and health insurance.
Dog must be spray or neutered
So many benifits on getting your dog spay or neutered
There are numerous health-related reasons to spay or neuter your dog or cat, from preventing serious diseases to helping your pet avoid certain hormonal issues later in life.
Spay surgery reduces the risk of some diseases
- Spaying also eliminates the risk of pregnancy complications like unintended breeding, obstructed labor, pregnancy loss, or the need for emergency C-section.
- Spaying your pet reduces the risk of uterine cancer and eliminates the risk of mastitis from nursing.
- Spay surgery reduces the risk of disease surrounding menstruation, such as spotting, false pregnancy, and pyometra—an infection in the uterus that requires emergency intervention. You can further reduce the chance of your female pets contracting these diseases by taking them to Petco to be spayed before their first heat cycle.
Neutering can help with hormone and behavior concerns
- Neutering may also reduce aggressive behavior that would otherwise result in fights and injuries and sexual behavior that can result disease transmission.
- Neutering helps regulate the hormones of your dog or cat. This can alleviate issues like aggressive behavior and hyperactivity.
- Dog neutering can also help prevent spraying or marking territory with urine, fighting and escaping your home to search for females in heat—which can lead to injuries from wandering into the street.
- Neutered cdogs may also be less likely to engage in sexual behavior like mounting other dogs, inanimate objects and humans.
Outdoor Experience
Your dog must be used to an outdoor enviroment like a public park, people and other dogs approaching. Please inform me of any triggers your dog has and if your dog is reactive and good on/off a lead in controlled safe enviroments like the park. I’ve worked with many resue dogs that all suffer with anxiety issues and all different with triggers, ie (noise, bangs, squeeky balls, male dogs etc) so it’s very important you tell me as much history of your dog as you can.
Looking For A Professional?
With over 2 years experience with different dog breeds in England. I now specialise in rescue dogs, over weight dogs and getting dogs fit and healthy for longevity and overall happiness and wellbeing of your dogs life.
Get in Touch By email
colllect your dog or you get your dog dropped to me in a dog friendly park thats suites our training needs.