Certified Personal Trainer, Fitness Model, Competitor, World Volunteer & Conservationist.

My Story – l started out competing in Miss Great Britain at 18 which led me onto representing Great Britain in Miss Earth Finals in the Philippines. It was not only a great stepping stone as a model but an Environmental beauty pageant focusing on earth issues including global warming, plastic waste and famine crisis. We visited universities and schools to help educate students on environmental and health issues that we had going on in our own countries. I was fortunate to plant trees over the 4 weeks for Great Britain and help out at the Manilla local orphanage. On my return to the UK I signed to top London top model agencies and started modelling in calendars, lingerie & bikini catalogues, not long after I made the big move to London to make it as a professional model. I’ve now been a professional model for over 12 years and I mostly work as a commercial and fitness model.
In 2012 I fell seriously ill with septicaemia after being failed by medical professionals after suffering infection after infection and my life being in danger and going into cardiac arrest after a line of medical negligence. After 4 weeks in hospital, I came out of hospital with a new prospective and determination on introducing nutritional therapy and daily exercise into my life making my health my only priority. I went on to eating all the super foods and organic and brining out my own healthy living cookbook range to studying nutrition and being a personal trainer. I took back control of my health and created a new life for myself and thats the greatest feeling on earth. I now have the knowledge to help others get fit and healthy and live a better quality of life. Because Knowledge is power and our health is priceless..

Qualified Fitness & Massage Professional:
Level 3 CYQ accredited and REPS registered.
Sports Massage Therapist
L2 / L3 Beauty & Massage Therapist
Clinical & Sports Nutritionist
Personal Trainer L3
Pilates MAT Instructor
Kettlebell Instructor
Pregnancy Pre/Postnatal Exercise Specialist
Award in Outdoor Fitness Camps
Fitness Instructor gym L2
BTEC Business Qualified
First Aid Qualified

Certified in clinical and sports nutrition. Tailor made customised healthy meal plans for athletes and people who just want to lose weight for those who need more variation in there diet. All my plans are designed for healthy living, customised guides for better health and vitality.
Global Charity Work

Global Volunteer Charity Work
Dog & Animal Rescue – Mexico & Costa Rica 2022
Supporting dog rescue in Mexico, Holbox & Isla Mujerus, Caribbean. After street dogs & pet dogs are abandoned and helping them get vollunteers and funds to support the rescued dogs shelter and pups in Mexico. Raising awarness & gaining support to get the help thats needed for the dogs.
Wildlife sancutary & rehabilitation centre in Costa Rica. Supporting the locals in maintainig the centre . Working with injured wild sloths to porchipine to spider monkeys, parrots etc. And working on the centre, educating others visiting intrested in costa rica wildlife.
Maldives Coral Restoration Project 2021
I’ve set up Marine conservation restoration coral reef project to help restore the reef after climate change has destroyed coral reefs all over the world. The Maldivian coral reefs experienced two severe bleaching events in 1998 and in 2016. After the 1998 bleaching event, more than 90% of hard corals died, and it took 16 years for reefs to recover the pre-bleaching values of live hard coral cover. The coral frames where designed by myself and locals to put into the ocean with low current areas to create a coral garden, to help house and feed the fish and protect the corals from further harm. The project is too not only to help restore the reef but is to help educate people of the importance of this project that all small positive actions matter. We are promoting an even stronger message to help with the alarming issues of plastic pollution and debris in the ocean by educating others to get involved and help with beach clean ups and the importance of recycling. Climate change: warming waters, pollution, ocean acidification, overfishing, and physical destruction are killing coral reefs around the world. It’s important we take action now.
Amazon, Peru, South America – Natural Disaster Recovery – All Hands and Hearts 2017
Volunteer School Build: In 2017 Peru experienced heavy floods that went on for months, then turned to mudslides and washed thousands of homes, schools, hospitals, farms and killed hundreds of people. I wanted to help, so I got in touch with All hands flood recovery and managed to get a volunteer spot to fly to Peru and help with the recovery. Whilst In Peru I helped the community learn english and help build 2 of 3 schools that all hands was building from scratch. From the base up, I learned everything about construction, cement, concrete, structure and how to use power tools to layout and planning. All the schools are metal frame work to with stand any floods and natural disasters and a good base for everyone in the community if a disaster strikes. I’m happy and proud to of been part of something so amazing to help build a school but even more importantly I helped the poor community in the north of Peru to rebuild hope. Somethings In life are priceless, this experience was one of them…
Mt.Everest B.C Mountain Climb – Charity – British Lung Foundation 2015
In 2015 I lost both my parents, my amazing dad died of Pneumonia and my beautiful mum died from a broken heart over losing her soulmate my dad. Both only in their 50’s and both the absolute love’s of my life and this was so unexpected. It was the most tragic loss of this lifetime and I lost them both only 5 months apart. I was living in London on my own, single and 500 miles away from the nearest long distance relatives. So rather than suffering alone or suffering at all, my mum and dad only ever wanted to see me happy and doing well for myself, so I turned such a difficult time into something positive and diverted all my energy to committing myself to raise thousands of pounds for charity: The British Lung Foundation and to get super fit to climb Mt.Everest out of honour and in total Loving memory of my parents. I managed to get to Mt.Everest Base Camp in November 2015 and I scattered my mums ashes there along with a locket of my dads hair and I said my final goodbyes. The experience was heaven on earth and the greatest achievement I’ve ever achieved.
Volunteer with Raleigh International: Belize & Malaysia on two school builds & eco projects
Belize, Central America – 12 week Jungle and island Project – Helping to build a school in a rural village, teaching Belize children english and helping with foot bridges in the rainforest and helped rebuild and re-design The paradise island of Half moon Caye, exotic paradise island off the coast of Belize that was hit and ruined by a torpedo that ripped half the island apart, so we went as a group to help restore the national monument with charity Raleigh International in 2000. I was a very lucky and proud 17 year old….
Malaysia, Borneo, south/East Asia, Climbed Mt.Kinabalu, Summit-Helped to build a school in a rural village, teach children english and helping with foot bridges in the rainforest – Raleigh International 2004. Great opportunity at 21 years old.

Fitness Modelling: I’ve worked with many different Fitness brands such as: Nike, Adidas. Reebok, Russell Athletic, Mizuno, had 8x exclusive interviews/pictorials in USA and British Muscle & Fitness magazine, 2x Ultra Fit Magazine Covers, Fighters Only, Berghaus & Fitness First.
Bikini Modelling: I won Miss Hawaiian Tropic & got to compete in Las Vegas world finals. I went onto winning Miss American Dream in the Bahamas and Miss Swimsuit USA.
Fitness & Bikini Competitor: Working my way up over the years in fitness competing, ending with being an IFBB Amateur Olympia finalist, WBFF Europe Top 3, UKBFF Fitness Model Winner, UKBFF Bikini, Miami Pro Bikini Winner & Fitness Britain Miss Bikini.
UKBFF Model & Talent Bikini Model 2015 London 1st
UKBFF Model & Talent Fitness Model 2015 London 1st
Miami Pro Universe Bikini Model 2013 England 1st Place
Miss American Dream Europe 2012 Bahamas 1st Place
Miss Hawaiian Tropic UK 2007 Las Vegas 1st Place
Playboy Model of the Year 2006 International 1st Place
Miss Great Britain Earth 2002 Philippines 1st Place
UKBFF Bikini Model – London 2015 – 1st Place
UKBFF Fitness Model – London 2015 – 1st Place
Miami Pro Universe Bikini – England 2013 – 1st Place
WBFF Fitness – Denmark 2013 – 3rd Place
WBFF Fitness – Iceland 2012 – 3rd Place
WBFF Bikini – Iceland 2012 – 3rd Place